DWRjax and other news

Several cool things have happened to DWR recently. The most bizarre has nothing to do with the web at all.

Being from the UK, I'd never heard of Design Within Reach until I started work on Direct Web Remoting. I doubt they've heard of Direct Web Remoting, but recently they did an announcement made me do a double take: DWRjax looks like it should be a DWR Ajax mashup, but really it's kids furniture.

Other News

According to the recent survey by the Burton Group, DWR is doing very well in terms of the numbers of people using it. They found that 68% of the people using Java/Ajax libraries are using DWR.

Matt Raible has included DWR into both AppFuse and Equinox. I also noticed a blog about getting them to work together.

Also Pete Moore from Cenqua got DWR included in some FishEye reports. You can get the results at fisheye.cenqua.com.


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