IWebMvc Preview

Jose Noheda has released a preview of a library that glues together DWR, Dojo, Spring and Hibernate/JPA. It's a 0.1 release and he's looking for feedback.

Despite the name, it's not really another Web MVC framework, but more along the lines of AppFuse or Grails, as a way to kick-start a project and provide some sensible defaults without needing to learn everything from scratch.

The source and release notes say it needs 1.6, so Mac heads will need to get the Apple Java6 preview.

Jose's aims:

In my mind what I really needed was a platform that:

  • Is based on Java
    Although supporting Groovy / JRuby is a plus
  • Helps me to kick start a project
    But simplifying the process by giving me the best (and this can be tricky) set of frameworks for each task
  • Integrates both server and client sides
    And it's lightweight, robust and extensible. Read enterprise quality.
  • Supports all the common tasks a web app has to handle
    I include here: User Management, CRUD operations, i18n support (both framework & data), AJAX and astounding visuals

Jose has done some brilliant work on DWR. He created a large chunk of our binary file support, and is currently the Spring integration maintainer, so it might be worth a download to see if it can help you.


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