Emerging Java Technologies at QCon
I've just finished opening the "Java Emerging Technologies" track at QCon and spent some time talking about Closures. This is a summary of what I said:
You can look at closures as blocks of code that you can pass around for execution. You can look at them as syntax sugar for inner classes. I think there is some significant power behind full closures that you miss when just looking at them from those perspectives.
This is how you define an integer 'a', in Java:
int a;
This is how you define a function 'b', in a Java Interface:
String b(int p1, int p2);
This is how you define a closure 'c', according to the BGGA proposal:
{ int, int => String } c;
This defines a closure to which you pass 2 integers and it returns a String.
Another closure 'd' takes a String and returns nothing:
{ String => } d;
We can provide an implementation of this closure:
{ String => } d = { String m => System.out.println(m); };
And then execute the closure like this:
d.invoke("Hello, World!");
The standard example (standard because it is the one used in the spec) looks like this:
public static <T,throws E extends Exception> T withLock(Lock lock, {=>T throws E} block) throws E { lock.lock(); try { return block.invoke(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
This example can be made much easier to understand if we ignore exceptions and return types for a while:
public static void withLock(Lock lock, {=>} block) { lock.lock(); try { block.invoke(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
This is a method that takes a lock object and a closure. It then surrounds the execution of the closure with lock and unlock commands.
Normally speaking you would use this as follows:
withLock(lock, {=> System.out.println("hello"); });
However there is a special rule in the closures spec that says: If the last parameter to a method is a closure then you can write the closure outside the parameter list like this:
withLock(lock) { System.out.println("hello"); }
It's likely that we would not have needed the synchronized keyword if closures had been around in the beginning. It's also likely that a large amount of Java could have been defined in terms of closures. For example:
public static <throws E extends Exception> void If(boolean condition, {=> throws E} block) throws E { if (condition) { block.invoke(); } }
You would use this function like this (note the capital I on If:
If (a == b) { System.out.println("a equals b"); }
So closures as defined by the BGGA proposal allow you to do some fairly fundamental things with the Java language.
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