Spring 2 Namespaces and DWR

The cutting edge of DWR development is being presented at SpringOne this week, and frustratingly I can't get there to hear it; Bram has been working on getting DWR v2 working with Spring 2 namespaces.

The idea is that you'll be able to configure DWR easily from within a Spring beans.xml file which should make configuration from Spring much easier. I'm sure Bram will blog his slides when he is done, and you can download a preview of DWR 2.0 milestone 3 here.

Update: Bram's slides are now available. The really cool slide is this one:


  <bean id="ajaxFacade" class="com.interface21.springone.AjaxFacade">
    <dwr:remote javascript="AjaxFacade"/>
    <property name="autoSuggestService" ref="autoSuggestService"/>

    <dwr:createtype="new" javascript="AjaxHelper"

  <dwr:controllerid="dwrController" debug="true"/>



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